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Type Beats: What Is A Type Beat And How to Make One

March 21, 2024TRAKTRAIN

In the ever-evolving landscape of music production, the term “type beats” has carved out its niche, becoming a pivotal element for producers and artists alike. Whether you’re an aspiring beatmaker or an artist searching for the perfect instrumental, understanding type beats and how to create them can open doors to new creative possibilities and opportunities. Let’s dive into the world of type beats, exploring what they are, where to find them, and how to start making them yourself.

What Are Type Beats?

Type beats are instrumentals made by producers to emulate famous artists’ or producers’ styles or sounds. They are typically named after the artist they are inspired by, such as “Drake Type Beat” or “Metro Boomin Type Beat.” This naming convention helps artists searching for beats find instrumentals that match the style or vibe they’re aiming for in their own music.

How to Use Type Beats

Artists can use Type beats to kickstart the songwriting process and serve as the foundation for new tracks. Producers can provide these beats for purchase or lease, providing a cost-effective way to access high-quality instrumentals. Using type beats can help artists align their sound with current trends or explore new stylistic directions without custom production.

Where to Find Type Beats

Type beats can be found across various platforms, including:

  • YouTube: A goldmine for type beats, with countless producers uploading their creations daily;
  • SoundCloud: Offers a diverse selection of beats of different types from up-and-coming producers;
  • Beat Selling Platforms: Websites like TRAKTRAIN specialize in connecting producers with artists, making it easy to browse and purchase type beats.

How to Make Type Beats

Creating type beats involves understanding the characteristic sounds, rhythms, and production techniques of the artists or producers you’re emulating. Here’s how to start making your type beats:

  1. Study Your Inspirations: Listen closely to the music of the artists or producers your type beat will emulate. Note the tempo, drum patterns, instrumental choices, and any distinctive production techniques they use;
  2. Select Your Sounds Wisely: Choose sounds and instruments that closely match those used by your inspiration. This may involve using specific drum kits, synthesizers, or sample packs known for their use in the genre;
  3. Create a Template: Based on your research, create a basic template in your DAW (Digital Audio Workstation) that includes typical elements like drum patterns, basslines, and melodic structures. This template can serve as the foundation for your type beats;
  4. Experiment with Production Techniques: Emulate production techniques such as sampling, layering, and effects processing to capture the essence of the artist’s sound. Don’t be afraid to experiment and add your unique twist;
  5. Structure Your Beat: Pay attention to song structure, arranging your beat with verses, choruses, and bridges in mind. Consider the track’s dynamic flow, building up to climactic moments and providing space for vocals;
  6. Mix and Master: Mix and master your beat to ensure it sounds polished and professional. Focus on achieving a balanced mix that enhances the beat’s vibe and energy.


Advancing Your Type Beat Creation

Once you’ve grasped the basics of making type beats, elevating your craft involves refining your techniques and understanding the subtleties that make each type beat unique. Here’s how to fine-tune your approach:

Advanced Sound Design

  • Synthesis Mastery: Beyond choosing the right presets, learning the art of synthesis can help you create custom sounds that closely mimic or even improve upon those used by your target artists. This skill is invaluable in standing out in a crowded market;
  • Sampling with Sophistication: Sampling is a cornerstone of Hip-Hop and many other genres. Dig deeper into rare and unique sources for samples, and master chopping and manipulating these samples to breathe new life into your beats.

Dynamic Arrangement Techniques

  • Vocal Cues: Although type beats are instrumental, considering hypothetical vocal lines can guide your arrangement choices. You can create spaces where a hook might land or build up to where a verse could start, enhancing the beat’s appeal to artists;
  • Switch-ups and Variations: Incorporate switch-ups or subtle variations in your beat to keep the listener engaged. This could be a drum pattern change, a sudden bassline shift, or an unexpected break.

Marketing Your Type Beats

Creating type beats is just half the battle; effectively marketing them is crucial for success. Here’s how to get your beats heard by the right audience:

Leverage Social Media

  • Instagram and TikTok: Use these platforms to share snippets of your beats using relevant hashtags. Engaging visuals or animations can make your posts stand out;
  • Twitter: Connect with artists and other producers on Twitter. Share updates about your beats, and participate in music production conversations.

Build a Strong Brand

  • Consistency is Key: Ensure your branding is consistent across all platforms. This includes your logo, color scheme, and overall aesthetic. A strong brand makes you more memorable and professional-looking;
  • Tell Your Story: Share your journey, inspirations, and the process behind your beats. This personal touch can create a deeper connection with your audience.

Engage with the Community

  • Feedback and Collaborations: Engage with other producers for input and potential collaborations. This can open up new opportunities and help you grow;
  • Participate in Beat Battles: Beat battles are fun and a great way to showcase your talent and get feedback from peers and audiences.

Optimize Your Online Presence

  • SEO for YouTube and SoundCloud: Use keywords effectively in your video titles, descriptions, and tags. This optimization makes your beats more discoverable to artists searching for specific beats;
  • Email Marketing: Build an email list to keep your audience updated with new releases, exclusive offers, or behind-the-scenes content. A direct line to your most engaged fans can significantly boost your visibility and sales.

Type beats represent a unique intersection of creativity and market demand, offering producers a way to showcase their skills while providing artists with the instrumentals they need. By understanding what type beats are, how to use them, and where to find or create them, you’re well on your way to diving into this lucrative genre of beat production. Whether you’re making type beats to express your creativity, connect with artists, or explore new musical landscapes, remember that the key to success lies in authenticity, quality, and a deep understanding of your musical influences. Embrace the world of type beats, and let your creative journey unfold.

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